Monday, February 9, 2009

Celebrating the end of CNY! ;-)

Wow... discipline is definitely not enough here!!! Final exam in just 6 weeks and we're playing cards and shouting and gambling and staying up late chit chatting on top of the KL city. Hehe. But the memories are certainly worth the late night!

Cham, today I'm suffering from the aftermaths of staying up so late. So hard to climb out from the bed...and keeping staring blankly during study group in the hot hot afternoon...just wanna doze off and 'refill' my sleep debt. Haha!

Some breathtakingly nice photos to share, taken by our dedicated photographer Mr Goat. ;-)

Deng deng deng deng.... --> presenting the 9 gambling kings and queens! The 'old thousand' won all of our hard earned $$..sob sob...but luckily we ate back what's worth in his house into our no win no lose. ;-p


remsal said...

on top of KL city? mana tu....? Look Out Point?

June said...

hi simply me (you? me? hehe whatever!) where you now? back m'sia d?

*I just copy the driver's words for words* - it is located at Salak South Baru/Desa Petaling beside a condominium call resort desa, beside a big water reservoir, not easy to find since it is within residential area and that area in currently under develeping as well.

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