Monday, May 25, 2009

Men dancing in tutus!

It's a rare thing for a whole troup of ballet company to come perform in Malaysia, more so when it's an all-men company!

It was two wks ago that I went for the Men in Tutus performance in KL Performing Arts Centre.
For those who don't know, tutus mean by round outskirt that ballerinas wear classically. :)

I had so much fun and got myself a jaw fatigue syndrome after laughing too much during the show! And also painful hands after clapping too much!

Gosh, seeing all those muscular arms dancing graceful ballet is one hilarious scene, and not to mention the ketiak bulu that serves as an icing on the cake. hahaha. My favourite is the dying swan part - which is performed by the company director himself.

I like how they made fun of the little things that hardworking ballet dancers spend so much time perfecting their skills! And the dancer who squeeze his buttocks while going back backstage.

And during the first scene, there was this dancer who dances so gracefully until I can't help but keep on asking ' really is guy a?!'. Then, after seeing their real photos (guy) in the booklet that Koksoon bought, I'm convinced. Makeup can really turn the gender around so much! Wow.

Ok ok, as much as I wish to pen down and share with you the funni-ness of the show, I think these youtube clips will serve the purpose better. hihi

enjoy! ;-)

ps: after the show, few dancers came out - and wow - the dying swan de fake eye lashes was like so outstandingly looooooong! hahaha. Managed to take some photos with them - they are so friendly and hugging us when taking photos - haha!

Still waiting for my photos cocky lee!

pps: thanks also to mr juliet who got the tickets for us and brought me to the most delicious cha siew that I've ever eaten in my life! :p

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More food! ~~


觉得拍了堆积在相机里也太多了吧, 还是快快还掉这些债!!

This time, food from my own house. :p

一时兴起很怀念在second year时被roommate影响变得很喜欢吃伊面。
不过这个不太像我喜欢的伊面,这个比较象煲仔面, 差了一点。~~

~ 我的 green tea cake. ~
ps: 这个食谱有点失败,还在寻找the perfect green tea cake recipe.

我姐的chocolate chiffon cake. 好像火山爆发的样子!
奇怪,这次吃了又不会打喷嚏, 可这是用上顶的cookingchocolate做的。。
难道我的chocolate allergy 好了?

sweet sweet caramel pudding
有拍下制作过程,有吗有人要看吗?没有我也照放。hihi...later! :p


也是在second year 时认识的板面,最近又买了回来煮来回味吃。:p
淋上咖喱鸡和马铃薯,配上可爱的cherry tomatoes 还有过热水烫过的brocolli,就很赏心悦目了!
喜欢!但最佳配角还没出现。。。deng deng deng deng --->>


本要做半生熟蛋,但打出来时才1/4熟,所以把它小心翼翼的溜了蛋进去frying pan再煮多一下下,蛋白熟了,蛋黄就七分熟。

Yay!! 好成功!:p

简易Apple Pie! ~
Delicious! :)))
要谢谢百用的puff pastry, 之前都不懂原来这样容易的!
把青苹果切丁,放水在frying pan煮,加糖及cinnamon,
煮到apple有点软时,加 corn flour 给他thicken 就搞掂了!
下次可试试放sardine! :p

~~ to be continued ~~ 

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