Wow wow wow.. This is the 5 star hotel biscuits kononnya... hehe.. Attracted by the recipe book which says this biscuit is usually served in higher end hotel only.. 好像很 高级那样!It's called 'Walnut Coffee Strudel Cookies'. 这样就被吸引了!结果花了好一些功夫成果出来了。。。登登登登。。。
不错的是。。。但就是太sinful了!用了好多butter and sugar! 肥死了!哈哈。不过真的吃得不会停的。。太脆太好吃了!惨了。。回去要好好运动运动。;-)
美好时光就这样完了。回去是拼的时候了!要迎接新生婴儿了!我来了!! yeah!
Monday, October 27, 2008
5 star hotel biscuit wo.... ;-)
Posted by June at 3:14 PM 3 comments
记得在台湾花莲实习时有到过那一边出名的永和豆浆, 是24小时营业的。好特别!记得那是一个还蛮简陋的店头,叫了没有很超级好吃的油炸鬼,可能那一夜大家心头有一点点的怨气。。呵呵。。所以影响了食物的诠释。。
Posted by June at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A happy ballet-ful day! :) - 7th September 2008
It's like a dream comes true for a little girl inside me who really likes dancing! It's rare that we get to see full-length ballet show in M'sia, isn't it? And I'm so grateful that on a clear-skyed Sunday one month ago, I was able to truly enjoy such a vibrant and happy tone Nutcracker. I absolutely love it!
The day started with a surprise visit to the Koi Garden which is just beside the KLPAC building, just a parking lot away. The koi fishes I tell you - WOW - have size that is easily bigger than my thigh!!! ;-) See see see, me trying to catch one back to cook a nice grilled BIG BIG koi fish - but wondering who's going to pay the RM 15,000 for me. hehe.This is the entrance of the koi fish garden. Very japanese. See the clear blue sky - so nice! :)
The KLPAC is a gathering avenue for whatever artistic performance and dramas in the KL area. It's located at Sentul, as you can see from the signboard below. hehe. That's all I know. And surrounding this area are some very delicious eating stalls, according to my very generous 'driver' whose younger days' headland is just around this area. (thanks arigato terima kasih sheh sheh ni)
Me and Ivy, two dancing queens. :)
It's really a very well-planned and creatively-designed place. There's a big pond, with white ducks paddling happily (i guess so, dunno, should be happy lo, hehe). And also some 'on the water' little squares which you can go and have a sit and dangle your leg by the side, like this -->
Or, you can take off your high heels and just step inside bare foot (coz the floor is made of palang with lots of spaces and holes) and quickly snap a photo and fast fast get out before other people notice it! Like me in this photo hehe -->
Happy ducks! Lining up...
Holiday feel! :)
Overall, a very satisfying day! It was a nice break from being seccluded in the little Banting. :)
Oh the show itself - how to tell le - but I truly enjoyed from beginning till end.. Eyes were feasted with changing costumes and dances. Got belly dancing somemore. Good effort from the DuoDanceSpace (correct?). Can see some rising stars there. Love how the real person guy dancer suddenly reduce to become a small soldier toy figure on the floor. Magic, ya. hehe.
Happy. ;)
Posted by June at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Seems like it's been 2 months since I last updated my blog! Sob sob.. nobody nags me to update it.. I've got no fans.. :( Hehe.. Never mind la.. I write this blog to serve as a record of things happening around me, and to share whatever new thoughts and ideas that come to mind.
So, what am I up to lately? Well, I'm now at home, enjoying the heavenly food everyday, and praying hard that it won't make me put on pounds! That's a tall order, isn't it... haih... Hehe..
Here's a quick run-down of the things I put into my stomach. hehe. These will send your salivary glands into high power! Be prepared. Goooooooooo....... hehe
1) Feccocia (?sp) - made by my sis. Tasted hard, like French bread loaf like that. This bread also originates from France, so we guess French people have super hard teeth, like to eat hard hard bread that can throw dog one. haha.. Inside got ham and cheese. Hmm... I don't quite like cheese like this, very 'obvious' and cheesy... I like cheese in a subtle way... like cheese cake.. yummy! hehe2) Egg sandwich
Made by my dad. He likes to make this sandwich for us... hehe. No matter how many he makes, they'll be all gone in just minutes.
3. Egg roll of the Breakfast shop. (hahahhahaha - translated from 早餐店的蛋饼)
This one I made de!!! Haha.. Very fun hor...can swirl the egg around in the pan. I like anything cooked with a pan. Dunno why. hehe. This one very fulling, inside got hotdog and cheese (again!).
4. Tomato fried rice with scrambled egg
Yeah! This one also I cook de! Also with a pan!! Haha.. fun fun. Wa, now I only realize how much flavor shitake mushroom can bring to the dish.. Maybe it's the tomato sauce that I used wasn't enough, but the flavor of mushroom was really strong when I eat - and I really like it. Very flavourishly rich! Haha.. Really la! :)5. Apple 'giap' Bread
Gasp! What is it? Haha.. first time seeing my younger sis eat this. So funny. Put apple into bread? So weird de combination! First, slice the apple into thin long slices, then spread the bread with peanut butter or anything you fancy and 'giap' the apple in between and you're done! In this picture looks like butter right? haha.. illusion. Taste-wise, hehe, just weird lo. But creative!6. Crumble Coffee cupcake (meant to be)
Sob sob... this one turns out to be 'fatt-gou'-like texture. But hey, you think make fatt gou is easy?! Hehe.. and didn't see any crumbles on top of the cup cake! Haha.. Coz I misread the recipe.. thought the crumble should be hidden inside de.. Aiyo.. But anyway, really nice to eat. The top skin is really crunchy - dunno how to replicate it. Just know I simply do and it turns out like this. Always also like this de la! :) Xi guan jiu hao. haha.More updates later! :) Nag me la, I'll post faster. haha
Posted by June at 12:40 PM 2 comments