Thursday, December 18, 2008

How to rescue my falling memory

"I think I've got regression problem - seem to be forgetten all the stuff I learned previously - whether old stuff picked up in Klang or new stuff just studied the day before - and that I think I've some kind of brain tumor or whatever in my brain..." <-- my train of thought when one day in tutorial, doc was talking about brain tumor in peads, and how some of them can present with regression of development, where they lost the skills or knowledge they learned. Then there I was pretty sure and concluded myself that I've something in my brain and actually nodded my head, trying to attribute my poor memory to the pseudo imaginative brain tumor! (maybe I really have le....) @%#$!^#!@

but I can't keep on like this... Things to memorize in medicine are too much. Ya ya, understand, so you don't have to memorize... as if life's so good! Not true, still there are important values, criteria etc etc to memorize..

Whatever, fact is, I need to get my memory power up. Here's my plan.

1. Gingko
2. Write when studying (can increase O2 supply to brain so better memory so I read)
3. Teach others :p
4. Sleep well (yeah i like this! bed time is the happiest time!)
5. Have some adrenaline rush once in a while (run, experience different things)
6. Eat well (pretty well, like pig d, hehehee)
7. Take a break (this is never enough, and I don't mean kit kat!)
8. Stretch (yes! yoga!)
9. Use mmemonics (..........)
10 repetition (...........................................................)
11. Reward myself (YEAH!!!)

PS: 呜呜。。。怎么这样难的。。。我要小叮当的记忆面包机!!!hehe. I like doraemon! :) Ang Ang Ang! :p


Min said...

Repetition lo, repeat, repeat and repeat, then you will have ingatan sepanjang hayat...this is what mr khor taught last time...hehe

June said...

repeat 11 times izzit? aiyo... tired la like this.

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