Sunday, March 1, 2009

The end of 5 years...

Wow.. can't believe it...5 years of medical training just ended 2 days ago..To be honest, I didn't have any 'special' feelings until I came back Ipoh, opened up Facebook and saw everyone posting their comments and feelings about ending the 5-year medical training school.. Then only I started to wonder and look back at all the loooooong 5 years that I've spent together with my coursemates. It's a wonder, to spend such a long time, creating memories (all sorts - happy,sad,torturing,scary) with them.

First year, we were still very much getting to know each other. Thanks to the great orientation (kekeke), we got to know each other pretty fast. And later, were times spent running from room to room, calling each other for meals, going out, pasar malam, lectures and all that anatomy smelly stuff.

Then, second year, the year where we moved out to rent an apartment. Then, we had the experience of going to MidValley every wk for 'morning market' and all the 'si lai' stuff. :-)) I practically started from zero (burnt fried egg) and started venturing into the kitchen. That was the time we were able to leisurely sit infront of the tv every evening and watch HK drama and eat dinner together. So free! Oh year, not to mention the birthday celebrations for our housemates and the funny cakes that we've made. :-p

Third/Forth year, start of our clinical years in Klang. I think Klang is one of the best times in my medical school, as it's the beginning ot clinical stuff, which is new and fresh to us. Plus, we're under no high expectations by the lecturers - we're considered 'young' and therefore it's ok if we still don't know much! (what a good excuse) haha. Then then then, around the Klang hostel, just within walking distance we're able to get our stomach satisfied with Chinese food. And the timetable is pretty flexible and free, leaving us free to look for food and still got time to study. :p The best of both worlds. haha.

Fifth/final year, aih....the pressure starts coming in, as at this stage, the expectation suddenly rises when you're a final year. Not to mention the new postings - like orthopedics, psy, minor, obs on call and all that...busy, packed, end of postings every 6 wks...leaving us little time for proper food. (why is my blog/life all about food?!) Time's precious in final year but nevertheless, we managed to squeeze in some fun everyday, making jokes with our coursemates, skipping unneccesary classes. ;-p

That's the end of our 5 year medical school life. What's ahead is 3 more weeks of study week, and 2 weeks of exam... scary and torturing... but then, we came in and worked hard for 5 years so that we can finally pass and graduate, so these 3 wks ++ are just..well, passing phase. Gambateh! 3 more weeks to go! :-))

Looking forward to bali bali bali... yeah!


sanmin said...

ah yeat!!!!!!!!!1 finally!!!!!! :D

All the best for your final exams! you can do it! ;)

Come visit me in Singapore too :P

June said...

Thanks la san min! :-) C u in s'pore hopefully.

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