Hmm... yummy! :-)) Blogging with a full stomach. :-p
I don't know how long this gem has been here in M'sia.. but this buy-1-get-1-free pizza offer is really worth it. For RM29.90 we get two regular pizza, thin or pan crust according to your liking. The pizza itself is very loaded, meaty and 'sincere'. It's not like they cheat you on the content for the cheap price. Hehe.
The phone operator seems less systematic and trained than the big fast food delivery chains out there. hehe.. the operator asked me how to get to our college - and whether it's near the bus station (huh which bus station?) etc haiyo... but finally without any fuss the delivery man managed to find his way here, on time, within 40 mins as promised. :)
Can order online too - but somehow my browser blocked the pop-up... so no luck! :)
lalalallalala. loving life! :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Canadian pizza!
Posted by June at 6:34 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Celebrating ME! :)
Shopping spree again yesterday! hehe :p Pitty JJ, wanted to spend money but din find anything to her heart's desire.. hehe.. made me feel like I'm the big spender here. Ahemm.. nola.. I just bought that thing just becauseeeeeeeeee........
*got free gift wrapping*
:-)) I'm a girl, after all!
Which girl doesn't like gift? ;-)
Ding ding ding ding... >>>> YEAH! Got a gift for ME, I want to really thank ME for being who I am, the special and unique me, so I'm celebrating ME this holidays! There's no one else in this world that's like ME, rite?AFTERNOTE: We were taught to just fit in, to be like everyone else, and to compete with other people for the things we want in life. But that's not how it works. You don't have to fit in, you are a unique entity, a special gift, to each and everyone that you reach out to.
Lalalala! I'm a gift... :-p hehe
Posted by June at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
还记得小时候常去'借tape', 就是借小叮当的片来看。记得是广东话版的。。那叮当肥肥圆圆的身材还有短短的手,hehe,好可爱!很喜欢它每一次都有很creative的工具来帮大雄,不过很多时候都是弄巧反搓,笑死人!喜欢它伸手进去肚皮前的口袋然后很英雄的把工具举起来,ding ding ding ding 的样子。hahah! 还有就是小叮当的主题曲。。很开心的每一次听到这首歌!Ang ang ang! hehe :p
还有很喜欢小叮当的时光机!!!大雄很喜欢去未来看他跟静宜在一起的时候。哈哈! 还有就是它的蜻蜓竹,插在头上大雄就可以不用迟到上学了。 还有每一次大雄考试都是考零鸡蛋的! hahahahaha.
很想再一次回去借tape来看。看小叮当有没有长大了! :p
Posted by June at 10:10 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
要一直相信自己的梦想!! 总有一天会不知不觉实现的!这是自然规律,你想象的,你脑海里的潜意识,就会是呈现在你未来及面前的东西。 要对自己诚实哦,忠于自己的感受及喜好,说你想说的,做你想做的。我才不理你怎么想!!! hehe :P
Posted by June at 6:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
How to rescue my falling memory
"I think I've got regression problem - seem to be forgetten all the stuff I learned previously - whether old stuff picked up in Klang or new stuff just studied the day before - and that I think I've some kind of brain tumor or whatever in my brain..." <-- my train of thought when one day in tutorial, doc was talking about brain tumor in peads, and how some of them can present with regression of development, where they lost the skills or knowledge they learned. Then there I was pretty sure and concluded myself that I've something in my brain and actually nodded my head, trying to attribute my poor memory to the pseudo imaginative brain tumor! (maybe I really have le....) @%#$!^#!@
but I can't keep on like this... Things to memorize in medicine are too much. Ya ya, understand, so you don't have to memorize... as if life's so good! Not true, still there are important values, criteria etc etc to memorize..
Whatever, fact is, I need to get my memory power up. Here's my plan.
1. Gingko
2. Write when studying (can increase O2 supply to brain so better memory so I read)
3. Teach others :p
4. Sleep well (yeah i like this! bed time is the happiest time!)
5. Have some adrenaline rush once in a while (run, experience different things)
6. Eat well (pretty well, like pig d, hehehee)
7. Take a break (this is never enough, and I don't mean kit kat!)
8. Stretch (yes! yoga!)
9. Use mmemonics (..........)
10 repetition (...........................................................)
11. Reward myself (YEAH!!!)
PS: 呜呜。。。怎么这样难的。。。我要小叮当的记忆面包机!!!hehe. I like doraemon! :) Ang Ang Ang! :p
Posted by June at 7:46 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Road Not Taken
Litreature was introduced to us for the first time when I was in Form 4. Some of the short stories were really interesting, while most of the poems are just.. well, poems... which I don't find much joy in reading. hehe..However, one particular poem that left a very deep impression, and I find meaningful was this one - The Road Not Taken.
At that time, the feeling I got after reading was that life's full of choices and decisions to make! What piqued my interest was the mysterious road that's not taken. Where will it lead me to, if I were to choose the other path? Will I be different? (sure I will!) Will I be happy? (que sara sara) hehe... Whatever will be, will be! :)
"The Road Not Taken"
by: Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
别总是想别人的都比你好,外国的月亮未必必较圆,圆也是很subjective的。所以要 make the best out of what you're having now! You're actually having a lot more than most people. 活在当下,快乐就好! :)
Posted by June at 7:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
深呼吸!我还活着! :P
Posted by June at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
他只是一個普通的男人,黑,醜,一口黃牙。媒人當初可沒這麼說,只說是個過日子的男人,就因為家裏窮給耽擱了,一直沒找上媳婦。那陣子,沒找上媳婦的 都去。山區找,有四川的、山西的、湖南的……花幾千元就可以找來。那男人也托人帶一個回來,這就是她,一個死了丈夫的女人。
再婚後,男人很寵她,隔三岔五給她買些小玩意來,一盒粉餅,一支口紅,幾串荔枝……她長到30歲,從來沒有用過口紅,更不用說吃荔枝了,很快,她就覺 得自己比楊貴妃還要幸福,吃荔枝的時候,男人不吃,只是傻傻地看著她吃。她說:'你也吃。'他說:'我不愛吃它,看著你吃我就高興。'後來,她偶然上街, 隨口問了一下荔枝的價格,嚇一跳,竟然要20元1斤。她的眼睛一? U?,他怎麼可能不愛吃荔
她更加疼他,早晨早早起來給他做飯,晚上做好熱乎乎的飯菜等他回來;冬天的時候,男人在街上修鞋,一天下來,凍得全身冰冷,女人就把男人的腳放到自己 懷裏暖著。男人也很知足,說是上輩子修來的福才會娶到她,他為什麼50歲還沒有結婚,就為等她唄。說得女人心花怒放。
女人見男人每天那麼累很心疼,她說:'給我買台機器吧,我和你一塊修鞋去。'男人不答應,說他掙的錢足夠養活她,可女人認真了,偏要去。於是街上總能 看到一對老夫少妻在修鞋,兩個人緊挨著,有鞋修的時候,兩個人就一起動手,空閒時,就有說有笑地聊著。冬天刮大風,女人的手都凍紅了,耳朵也凍得青一塊紫 一塊,這時,男人買來一塊烤紅薯,紅薯散發著誘人的香味。男人剝開,用嘴吹著,卻不吃,他把紅薯放到女人嘴邊,女人幸福地咬一口,又吹一吹,讓男人吃。他們一人一口地吃著,好像享受一頓美食,好像吃著愛情的聖塔。
男人說:'不行!'然後男人又說:'我們現在的錢還不? O很多,再掙幾年,給你養老應該沒問題。還有,我給你在地裏種了500棵樹,等有一天我去了,你也不能動了,那500棵樹也長大了,我相信它們能夠養活你。'
^_^ 你看到了嗎?我在默默的祝福你 ^_^
Posted by June at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
其实不是。。我觉得很大原因是那很要我命的oncall! 每次oncall完隔天和隔隔天都会头脑一片空白,stuck 着想不到东西的感觉,blur blur de, 读又会钓到一大堆鱼回来,以前读过的挖也挖不回来。 真气死人!
算了! 打不倒我的只会使我更坚强!我要变小强!haha! (才不要!!!)
Let's talk about something happier! Yeah yeah yeah! My ATM machine coming to me this weekend! :) hahaha.. transporting vitamin M all the way from Ipoh to here for me!
Now presenting... my Wish List! --->
1. Cleanser - L'occitane shea butter cleansing water. :)
2. My secret magic sleeping mask!
3. Leave in hair conditioner - the cheap and reliable Tracia!
4. Body Shampoo - not yet decide.. still got time to decide
5. Pretty shoes - never enough, always in the list and in need! :)
6. Clerking file - koyak d, too hardworking? too frustrated?
7. Highlighter - orange color
......... tut tut........... wish list machine stuck coz $$ not enough....
blek! :P
Posted by June at 10:25 PM 2 comments
Enjoying the dance of life! :)
I like everything that's about dancing. I can relate to everything about dance. Dance itself is a very beautiful word to me and I love it. :)
And so, I love this quote much much! :P
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way. That's what life is.
There's no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. It's what you bring to life..
"Wayne Dyer "
Keep on dancing the dance of life! :) Happiness is just beside and around you. How lucky you are huh. Get going!
Posted by June at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Stick this into your mind --> Don't Worry, Be Happy!
When you worry you make it double
...Doesn't sound like a good deal to me. ;-)
I say -
Smile and make your worry disappear.
Laugh and make yourself a happy and cheerful person!
wahahahhahahahahhahaha :-))))))))))))))))
Don't Worry, Be Happy
From the Movie "Cocktails"
Performed by Bobby McFerrin
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Lood at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy
Posted by June at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
我要放假! 我要去旅行!
我要去芬兰吃Shark Fin!
我要去看芭蕾舞剧 - 一定一定要!!!
好了!发完梦了!可以读书了!YEAH!! hehe!
Posted by June at 2:12 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
有一首歌要送給你...聽好~ 1, 2, 3~
i have you to be with, everything will be easy
晒的阳光 淋的雨滴 都值得回忆
i have you to be with 懂心不够近才怕距离
心电感应 绝不断讯 会如影随形
曾灰心以为 我来错了世界
太多想法很另类 找不到人了解
当我说的感觉 牵动着你的脸
互动的泪 让我们变得特别
你是我的魔力 想要勇敢就想你
一眨眼睛 把不如意 都变成流星
你是我的魔力 心情不好我就想你
删除忧郁 复制甜蜜 笑容不结冰
幸福是间电影院 没有单人的座位
要肩并肩 才能看好戏上演
I just wanna say...
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You! ;-)
Posted by June at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
昨天去L'occitane, 就aim着一set hair mask + control mist + shampoo + conditioner, which cost a total RM166, which is heavily discounted from the original RM 250.
The radiant shine hair mask, boosting 3 essential oils bla bla bla, I tried before, very soft and nice smell. I've been eyeing this for long long time liao and so ngam my current hair mask finished d! The control mist is also something I really need coz sometimes come back from labor room I have this stinky smell of the blood n placenta around me! haha. And the shampoo and conditioner are just some travel size things that I like to collect. hehe..
And and and, as if to make it a perfect buy (from a good buy), the set allows me to enter point ngam ngam cross the line to get a RM50 voucher. See, a PERFECT buy right?
So there I thought, and happily excitedly very eagerly went to MidValley yesterday (last day to enter point and for the set promotion!). First I went to the Gardens one, after a great meal at the Garden, coz I got a vague bad feeling that maybe the set will somehow run out coz last day already and I guess the chance of finding it in the Gardens will be greater coz less people go there ma.
Uh oh... right to my prediction! The Garden's one really ran out of the set when I went to ask. Sob... never mind, I said to myself, Mid Valley maybe still got.
So there I went, to the MV's one. The first thing I did when I went inside was to look at the 'Special Buy' corner, which is essentially 一堆摆设很随意但又很美的东西. Hmm.. how to say le, go MV's loccitane see for yourself la. Got lots of products there, all with French words, headache! Lots of dried flowers here and there... some baskets (*wink wink)... some price tags.. so as you can imagine it's a bit of organized mess there.
Sigh.. no sight of the set I wanted! The salegirl also told me the set runs out already! Sob! I nearly 棚溃. haha.. (夸张!) Disappointed!!! How can they do this to me?!! People busy no time come and buy ma.. Sob! Haih... I was thinking... why my luck so bad de...So ngam de product cannot buy...
But but but, I didn't exactly give up coz my sister says she wants something else from L'occitane and I also wanted to try some of their good smell products like the Lavender and 4 roses (love love!). So I was poking around their samples, trying on the perfume and all that playing around with their things while trying to make up my mind on which one to buy so that can accumulate points and get some gifts. (you see, shopping not easy.. hehe)
And as you know, I'm not someone who can make decision right away, always wondering, running to and fro this product and that product, really can't make any sound decision.
I lost count of the time I spent inside, until I saw my friend already sitting on the chair there waiting liao.. haha.. no more 闲情 to accompany me to choose products. Haha!
Then then then, suddenly, out of the blue my eyes were locked on a basket in the middle of the 'mess' described just now - gasp - excited - wa! - can't believe it - there my dream set is sitting there! Yippee yippee! My heart inside already jumping up and down like a little girl. hehehe. :)
But waittt - is that a set for display or what?
So very 紧张ly I went to ask the counter people - is the set for sale? Hahah.. the sale girl must be thinking this girl... wanted the set so much... when they see my big smile when she says the set is really for sale and is the last one! hahaha. YEAH!!! Of course I want the set I told the salesgirl. hehe..
And there fly away my 3 RM 150 and some. But flying in next month a RM50 voucher which I'll go and 败家 again! yeah! Really love their products! Very yummy, just like the 甜甜的滋味 when I found the one I wanted!
Happy happy! :-)))))))))))))))
PS: hehe, at least there's something for me to look forward to when I go for 24 hours on call tomorrow in the labor ward. I think I'll very much need the nice nice smell of the hair mask when I come back from the dreadful on call!
Deng deng deng deng! Showing off my 战利品!
PPS: Oh I also bought a 梅酒 (plum wine) at a korean food fair at the Gardens. It says can get rid of tiredness wo... So maybe after on call can drink lo... become drunken and sleep soundly. haha! ;-) Something to look forward also. hehe.
Posted by June at 4:20 PM 4 comments
我又知道了!Ding! Light bulb! hehe.
Make the place you are now the place you want to be! 就是接受当下吧!既来之则安之! 当下就是真相嘛。 对不对 对不对?我有没有很聪明? 哈哈! ;-)
哇,胡言乱语了一大堆,昨天要放上来的shopping adventure都还没开工。不想luuuuuuu........ 去睡觉先! zzzzz..... hehe ;-)
Posted by June at 2:04 PM 2 comments
There's no good or bad, thinking makes it so.
对啊! 每个人看一件事情都不一样。所以才会有乐观的人和悲观的人。你可以往好的方面去想,也可以把它想成最坏的。全都是自己在脑海里决定,是自己的选择。可是在决定往好方面想时,又难免会怀疑说是不是自己在欺骗自己。我到底离真相有远吗?还是真相就其实是自己创造的?到底真相是什么?什么又是真相呢?
又道,demand the truth not.
我不知该怎么办。。。救我!heheh ;-)
Posted by June at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
5 star hotel biscuit wo.... ;-)
Wow wow wow.. This is the 5 star hotel biscuits kononnya... hehe.. Attracted by the recipe book which says this biscuit is usually served in higher end hotel only.. 好像很 高级那样!It's called 'Walnut Coffee Strudel Cookies'. 这样就被吸引了!结果花了好一些功夫成果出来了。。。登登登登。。。
不错的是。。。但就是太sinful了!用了好多butter and sugar! 肥死了!哈哈。不过真的吃得不会停的。。太脆太好吃了!惨了。。回去要好好运动运动。;-)
美好时光就这样完了。回去是拼的时候了!要迎接新生婴儿了!我来了!! yeah!
Posted by June at 3:14 PM 3 comments
记得在台湾花莲实习时有到过那一边出名的永和豆浆, 是24小时营业的。好特别!记得那是一个还蛮简陋的店头,叫了没有很超级好吃的油炸鬼,可能那一夜大家心头有一点点的怨气。。呵呵。。所以影响了食物的诠释。。
Posted by June at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A happy ballet-ful day! :) - 7th September 2008
It's like a dream comes true for a little girl inside me who really likes dancing! It's rare that we get to see full-length ballet show in M'sia, isn't it? And I'm so grateful that on a clear-skyed Sunday one month ago, I was able to truly enjoy such a vibrant and happy tone Nutcracker. I absolutely love it!
The day started with a surprise visit to the Koi Garden which is just beside the KLPAC building, just a parking lot away. The koi fishes I tell you - WOW - have size that is easily bigger than my thigh!!! ;-) See see see, me trying to catch one back to cook a nice grilled BIG BIG koi fish - but wondering who's going to pay the RM 15,000 for me. hehe.This is the entrance of the koi fish garden. Very japanese. See the clear blue sky - so nice! :)
The KLPAC is a gathering avenue for whatever artistic performance and dramas in the KL area. It's located at Sentul, as you can see from the signboard below. hehe. That's all I know. And surrounding this area are some very delicious eating stalls, according to my very generous 'driver' whose younger days' headland is just around this area. (thanks arigato terima kasih sheh sheh ni)
Me and Ivy, two dancing queens. :)
It's really a very well-planned and creatively-designed place. There's a big pond, with white ducks paddling happily (i guess so, dunno, should be happy lo, hehe). And also some 'on the water' little squares which you can go and have a sit and dangle your leg by the side, like this -->
Or, you can take off your high heels and just step inside bare foot (coz the floor is made of palang with lots of spaces and holes) and quickly snap a photo and fast fast get out before other people notice it! Like me in this photo hehe -->
Happy ducks! Lining up...
Holiday feel! :)
Overall, a very satisfying day! It was a nice break from being seccluded in the little Banting. :)
Oh the show itself - how to tell le - but I truly enjoyed from beginning till end.. Eyes were feasted with changing costumes and dances. Got belly dancing somemore. Good effort from the DuoDanceSpace (correct?). Can see some rising stars there. Love how the real person guy dancer suddenly reduce to become a small soldier toy figure on the floor. Magic, ya. hehe.
Happy. ;)
Posted by June at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Seems like it's been 2 months since I last updated my blog! Sob sob.. nobody nags me to update it.. I've got no fans.. :( Hehe.. Never mind la.. I write this blog to serve as a record of things happening around me, and to share whatever new thoughts and ideas that come to mind.
So, what am I up to lately? Well, I'm now at home, enjoying the heavenly food everyday, and praying hard that it won't make me put on pounds! That's a tall order, isn't it... haih... Hehe..
Here's a quick run-down of the things I put into my stomach. hehe. These will send your salivary glands into high power! Be prepared. Goooooooooo....... hehe
1) Feccocia (?sp) - made by my sis. Tasted hard, like French bread loaf like that. This bread also originates from France, so we guess French people have super hard teeth, like to eat hard hard bread that can throw dog one. haha.. Inside got ham and cheese. Hmm... I don't quite like cheese like this, very 'obvious' and cheesy... I like cheese in a subtle way... like cheese cake.. yummy! hehe2) Egg sandwich
Made by my dad. He likes to make this sandwich for us... hehe. No matter how many he makes, they'll be all gone in just minutes.
3. Egg roll of the Breakfast shop. (hahahhahaha - translated from 早餐店的蛋饼)
This one I made de!!! Haha.. Very fun hor...can swirl the egg around in the pan. I like anything cooked with a pan. Dunno why. hehe. This one very fulling, inside got hotdog and cheese (again!).
4. Tomato fried rice with scrambled egg
Yeah! This one also I cook de! Also with a pan!! Haha.. fun fun. Wa, now I only realize how much flavor shitake mushroom can bring to the dish.. Maybe it's the tomato sauce that I used wasn't enough, but the flavor of mushroom was really strong when I eat - and I really like it. Very flavourishly rich! Haha.. Really la! :)5. Apple 'giap' Bread
Gasp! What is it? Haha.. first time seeing my younger sis eat this. So funny. Put apple into bread? So weird de combination! First, slice the apple into thin long slices, then spread the bread with peanut butter or anything you fancy and 'giap' the apple in between and you're done! In this picture looks like butter right? haha.. illusion. Taste-wise, hehe, just weird lo. But creative!6. Crumble Coffee cupcake (meant to be)
Sob sob... this one turns out to be 'fatt-gou'-like texture. But hey, you think make fatt gou is easy?! Hehe.. and didn't see any crumbles on top of the cup cake! Haha.. Coz I misread the recipe.. thought the crumble should be hidden inside de.. Aiyo.. But anyway, really nice to eat. The top skin is really crunchy - dunno how to replicate it. Just know I simply do and it turns out like this. Always also like this de la! :) Xi guan jiu hao. haha.More updates later! :) Nag me la, I'll post faster. haha
Posted by June at 12:40 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wow... I certainly don't want to be one of those 虎头蛇尾 de people.. abandoning my blog half way. So here am I, trying to salvage my little blog.
Ok, so now what? You know how the trend of each week goes for me - Monday is a fresh new day, Tuesday going steady and well, Wednesday a bit want to get out of the routine, Thursday heart is running away and Friday I'm all on holiday! wahahaha.. That's life, I think.
So, today, a Thursday, my heart went to so many places in just a night. Firstly, it went to the Indian street for threading a again. It was an out of the blue spontaneous decision, which is very typical of me. hehe.. Opps.. I know I shouldn't be too proud of this coz it's got me into some trouble before.
Then, it also went to Thailand (really? hehe) for a really exotic and stress relieving body massage. Wow... it's truly an eye opener for me... ahem.. juicy details... reserved for intimate ones only. haha..
Then then then, as if it's still not enough, I got a rare chance to meet up with one of my longest same-class friend Shu Jin!! 9 years same class le... the longest record keeper. We shared so much of 'world's so so small' stories.. and we were laughing at each other's jokes and all that. Very inspiring, knowing how secondary school friends are the most sincere of all, ones whom we can always go back and rely on for honesty and real friendship. It's really nice to keep in touch, after so many years. Our next appointment is 2011, for our 10th year anniversary of graduation from ave maria convent ipoh! haha... and I'm the only one who's got a chance to meet her very nice boyfriend le.. heheheh..
Tomorrow, I'm on a special mission. hehe. :)
Posted by June at 10:10 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Is this hangover?
My brain feels stuck... like glue sticking to each other.. cannot run properly. haha... staring at the davidson for hours but still nothing goes in. Neh, it's the contribution of this margarita lo. (image cannot be uploaded)
Margarita, taken from Wikipedia, is one of the most common tequila-based cocktails, made with tequila mixed with triple sec and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the glass rim. I find it more exotic to drink through glass rim with the salt. hehe. More chi gek! ;-)
Tequila, on the other hand, is a spirit made primarily in the area surrounding Tequila, a town in the highlands of the western Mexican state of Jalisco, 65 km northwest of Guadalajara. It is made from the blue agave (Agave tequilana azul), which is native to Mexico. Tequila is most often made at a 38–40% alcohol content (76–80 proof), but there are also several varieties of tequila produced with 43–46% alcohol content (86–92 proof). Gasp! So high ah! No wonder I'm getting this hangover - or is it not?
Never mind, I really enjoyed the magical dinner. It was at Chilli's. I've always wanted to reserve Chilli's for some significant event, like girls' outing after a major exam. However, there gone my first time in Chilli's! I had this warm fuzzy feeling of being in a foreign country during winter when they serve the hot, tantalizing food! The atmosphere of the people inside and the dim yellow light were really nice - very lively and happy tone!
Posted by June at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
This is me lo... the idealist June! :)
Your Personality Is |
![]() You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals. You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings. You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships. In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily. At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career. With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone. As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style. On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
Posted by June at 9:27 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wow... what happened last week was really... haih... how should I put it... Maybe I'll just say things are beyond my control. It wasn't my slightest intention to have it end this way. I certainly feel bad, for not handling things the best I can, giving way to pressure and letting others to invade my thinking and stance. Putting aside what others have done, what's left is my own post-mortem of my action and words. But I'm glad to learn that I'm one who can easily let go and forgive, for nobody is ever perfect.
Ok, for more happy stuff, hehe... YEAH! Nutcrackers!!!
My heart was dancing and singing inside when I knew this from an old friend! hehe... Somemore got early bird discount. My feet are moving, my heart is singing and I'm dancing! ;-)
It's on the 6th and 7th of September (Sat n Sun) at KLPAC. Never been there before, heard it's a very cosy and nice place. I'm looking forward!!! YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
PS: Gosh! This is the main thing that's going to keep me alive for the next one month!!!
Posted by June at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
肥猫阿猫 biscuit!!!
What is 肥猫阿猫 biscuit??? If can guess I bake you one piece of it. hahaha... I think I'm moving more towards fun blogging... filling my blog with funny pictures, funny stuff.. hehe... Whenever you feel down and need some laugh, switch on my blog. (you can thank me later) hehe.. Life's great and happy! YEAH!
Can guess or not?
Posted by June at 1:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Can you guess what is this?
hahahahahhaha.. This is easily the funniest picture on earth!! And it's produced by my baking freak sister. haha. We just can't stop laughing when it turned out like this.. hahahahahhaha.. and another round of laughing when we review the pictures. hahahahahah.. I told her I MUST blog about this funny little cinnamon roll, despite her rolling eyes on me. hahahahaha. I don't care I don't care. hehe
Posted by June at 6:37 PM 2 comments