Friday, May 9, 2008

Eat like a king...

The best thing about being at home is to escape from the 'jail-meal' in the college. I get to decide what I want to eat. I get to cook and design my food so that it looks palatable and is nice to my liking.

At home, I eat like a king. While in college I eat like a jail person only. I really don't understand how they can cook the vegetables until they're
literally life-less and died!! Haih...

See, my breakfast is so alive and well! :)

Hmm.. yummy yummy! Now I really feel like I'm treating my stomach right. ha.


Min said...

Wa...why u put so much sugar on your bread? Sugar-coated bread is it?

June said...

It's illusion... only coarse sugar left.. so it appears to be sugar-coated. It's yummy! :)

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