Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cutting liver and lung

完全没有心理准备就一个人跑去停尸房,都不懂要怎样换衣袍,只知道要快快赶上已在里面开工了的两位好友。(因为这个医生一定要学生帮忙动手做才肯签名,所以我一定要赶在他们没做完之前进去插一手。 哈哈。) 换好衣服出去时又在停尸的地方兜来兜去找解剖房,脑海里想的是做戏常出现的认尸情节。那时还真佩服自己的勇气!

还好进到去时还没完。。他们在切着stomach and duodenum.

The patient had a perforated duodenal ulcer (1cm x 1cm) and he died of peritonitis with septicemia. The ulcer hole looks pretty benign to me. Apparently he had abdominal pain since yesterday morning and was seen and discharged in A&E Klang with some gastric medication. He could have been sent for an erect CXR which can possibly pick up the pencil-thin line of air under the diaphragm.

处理完重要的duodenum and stomach过后, 轮到liver了。他示范如何用一把长长比切pizza的刀还要长一倍的刀,从刀根切起,把肝切成一片一片,像切面包那样。我在旁一面看一面在心里面想'我要切我要切!'就觉得要下手才好玩嘛。第一刀实在不容易,要老师(医生啦)调整手势才切到。第二第三及接下来的就很好玩了。好好切。hehe. 过后他让我们去切lungs,kidney之类的,都是横切,要用sponge顶在上面稳定organ。

The doctor is not as nasty as I thought - in fact he has been very nice and showed us a lot of things, like the heart, how to look for evidence of tricuspid regurgiation, vegeations etc. Luckily he is a patient and forgiving and understanding man - as we forgot a lot of the important anatomy stuff! hehe.

回到房后立刻把身体洗得干干净净,to wash away all the formalin and bloody smell.. and some psychological smell and dirt also.. can't help it. Now I smell good and fresh. :))


Min said...

哈哈, 那你可以在家里厨房先练习, 就可以熟能生巧了:)

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