Monday, May 19, 2008


今天去 Brickfield temple 参与卫塞节庆典过后, 刚好走着印度街, 我的同伴建议去做 threading. It was scary at first because the beauty palore is located in 3rd floor inside a poorly-litted building.. And we don't know whether the beauty palore is trustable or not or we'll end up in a very yellow place like JJ says. haha..

痛死我了! 我以后再也不要去做threading了!! 而且我不会选, 随便叫她做 thin 的.. 真的很细啦! 有点吓到. 不过哪个印度 beautician 说一个月过后等长多一点我再回去, 她可以帮我做 thick的. hehe.. But actually thin one makes me brow looks darker and fuller coz my brow itself very sparse. And the advantage of threading is that it lasts longer - about 3 weeks. It's only RM5 anyway, cheaper than what I used to pay for in salon.

原本说要做埋upper lips的but因为太痛怕真的喊出来吓坏顾客所以临时跟她说不要了.. 好好笑! :))

The girl really has good skills. I can't make out how they manipulate the thread because the dexterity and coordination are so refined and seamless. All I knew was my eyes are filled with tears of pain..


Min said...

Wei, post your eyebrow's photo la, see if it's that nice.

June said...

it's *shh..* private and confidential. It's only for the eyes of those who are sharp and smart. ;-)

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