...I was still a fresh new alien to the 6th college. I remembered walking along the corridor towards the dining hall and felt weird of the structure of the stairs coz they really looked like remnants of war-fare and wondered how am I going to survive for the rest of my 5 years here.. haha.. I remembered bringing the pail and everything and actually wondered what I need the pail for - don't they have washing machine or some sort?? haha.
And then... there were also memories of being orientated. Blur is the only word I can use to describe myself.. Really unsure of what's happening around, just following friends and instructions.
When asked to do task, I blurted out 'dancing!' out of my mind without thinking. Was I surprised at myself, after two years of stopping ballet, I just danced out of nothing. And I was like 'gosh I could still do arabesque!' It feels kinda good and I'm actually loving the moments I'm on my feet doing some stun. haha. And there I went on to tipu a lot of signatures. heheh.
Now, it's time to 'treat the freshies really good'... hehehehe. I can't wait! ;-)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This day 4 years ago...
Posted by June at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thanks bear bear! ;-)
11 years of friendship is hard to come by. I'm so glad we made it so far - and I'm sure there're still many more decades to come for us to celebrate. ;-) I won't simply let you go one - hehe - coz you know so many of my little and big secrets!!! ;-) shh...
Thanks for treating me for birthday, although you're stuck in your current position. I'm touched la.. a bit lo. heheh... :-) Don't always say I have bad influence over you la... it'll make me guilty one. haha.
Same to you la- may your deepest wishes will come true one day. I want to be the first to know o... ;-)
Lalalalalalalala... :-)))))))))))))))))
Posted by June at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Thanks for the pat on the back each time I study,
Thanks for encouraging me to be the best I can each time,
Thanks for showing me what is true love.
True love never hurts, it's just there.
Posted by June at 8:37 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Pig Intestine Fun
Heheheh... seldom do people can get what I mean when I say that - but somebody today very smart, can understand what I want right away. haha. Thanks ya Mr Tang.
As I eat, it brings back memories of Klang food. Mind you, it's the pasar malam or pasar pagi food, not the canteen food! Though the Klang's canteen aunty and uncles are really nice and much freedom given to us, but that doesn't mean I can overlook their faulty fish!
I really miss standing there waiting for the best-selling curry mee. I remembered going there at around 6pm with a bunch of friends and be told it's all sold off - so you can imagine how good their business is! And the long queue at the rojak stall - the indian aunty who always leave me feeling like a see-through glass coz she sees only her long-term customers, and not us new students. haha. Also the Yong Taufu stall, one where its sauce resembles what I ate today.
What else... hmm... Yeah, the popiah stall, very crunchy very nice. hehe.. Oh ya, me and my roommate's favourite 麦粥 and fresh soya bean milk in the pasar pagi. Also the oil fried ghost and ham chim peng stall just beside it. Hehe.. I so so so miss the time where me and Juni will purposely wake up early to do marketing at pasar pagi on saturdays... haha... the early morning wind... so fresh and wheezy... nice nice nice. and we also cook our own chicken soup (with ginseng somemore!!!), red bean soup etc etc.. wow...
Ok ok, stop indulging in past memories. Full-stop.. hehe... Back to present.. ortho ortho.. cut bone cut bone.. I want to see amputations!!!
Posted by June at 9:40 PM 2 comments
我觉得我是水人! 因为我真的很爱游泳。hehe... 每次游泳就像在跟水合力完成一道美妙的海地舞。很棒!! :-)))
Posted by June at 5:43 PM 0 comments
有一天早上,大公主醒来,一如往常地用发夹整理她的秀发,却发现少了一个发夹,于是她偷偷地到了二公主的房里,拿走了一个 发夹。 二公主发现少了一个发夹,便到三公主房里拿走一个发夹; 三公主发现少了一个发夹,也偷偷地拿走四公主的一个发夹; 四公主如法炮制拿走了五公主的发夹; 五公主一样拿走六公主的发夹;六公主只好拿走七公主的发夹。 于是,七公主的发夹只剩下九十九个。 隔天,邻国英俊的王子忽然来到皇宫, 他对国王说:「昨天我养的百灵鸟叼回了一个发夹,我想这一定是属于公主们的,而这也真是一种奇妙的缘分,不晓得是哪位公主掉了发夹?」 公主们听到了这件事,都在心里想说:「是我掉的,是我掉的。」 可是头上明明完整的别着一百个发夹,所以都懊恼得很,却说不出。 只有七公主走出来说:「我掉了一个发夹。」 话才说完,一头漂亮的长发因为少了一个发夹,全部披散了下来,王子不由得看呆了。 故事的结局,想当然的是王子与公主从此一起过着幸福快乐的日子。
为什么一有缺憾就拼命去补足? 一百个发夹,就像是完美圆满的人生,少了一个发夹,这个圆满就有了缺憾; 但正因缺憾,未来就有了无限的转机,无限的可能性,何尝不是一件值得高兴的事! 人生不可免的缺憾,你怎样面对呢? 逃避不一定躲得过 面对不一定最难受 孤单不一定不快乐 得到不一定能长久 失去不一定不再有 转身不一定最软弱 别急着说别无选择 别以为世上只有对与错 许多事情的答案都不是只有一个 所以~我们永远有路可以走 你能找个理由难过你也一定能找到快乐的理由 懂得放心的人找到轻松 懂得遗忘的人找到自由 懂得关怀的人找到朋友 天冷不是冷心寒才是寒愿你的心都是暖暖的.... 人的长大伴随着一些失落,人的成熟附带着一些伤痕. 好在有希望这东西,你总还可以去等; 好在人与人之间,距离产生美感; 好在生命里,快乐比痛苦多; 好在这个世界,还有很多美丽; 好在当你成熟的时候,你还不算一无所有!
Hope this article will bring some warmth and hope into your heart, just as it did for me. :)
Posted by June at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Be bold
“Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life you will regret the things you did not do more than the things you did.”
Ya, it's so true. I really regretted something I didn't do today... Lesson learned! Time to move on and get engaged in living my own life. ;-)
Courageous courageous... how can I train that?
Posted by June at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Yeah, 刚游完泳,一扫连日来的压力及累感。。。真的要感谢刚拔完智慧牙的XXX肯忍痛让我去kacau他,借我冲凉。hehe. 由于不是UT的住客了,所以进去时有点象偷渡客的感觉。进去时还要特地走short-cut,显出我是这里人。本要假假按lift上去顺便跟XXX打声招呼,但等lift又太久所以直接跳进泳池了。害的XXX以为我没去了。
好久没有游泳了! 好开心,好满足。还有个自信风度男来跟我搭讪,哈哈哈。 这才是重点吧。。。才不是呢!!!重点是回来途中黑漆漆给一个人低沉的声音吓到, 还是问我打电话了没有!!
Posted by June at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Thanks! For the wonderful memories....
This blog entry is specially dedicated to my two best friends in UM medical life - Juni and Ley Siang. I forgot how we got together but it was like a natural thing - to click and stick together. I can't imagine my study life without you two - it's so much fun and laughter each time we're together, washing away the gloomy and blue study days.
I think we complemented each other very well - somebody has to listen right, somebody has to do the talking right, somebody has to laugh right.. hehe and there we make a good trio. ;-)
Thanks for the companionship for everything girlish and the understanding when I'm very chu xing da yi. Yeah, I made birthday wishes for you two too! ;-) Hope we'll each achieve what we want in life and be happy and happy always. Gambateh!
Posted by June at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Yesterday's left over white mushroom sauce is made into good use today when I add it to my 蛋包饭. Very filling indeed! Ya, because of the super fattening butter and milk I used. ;-)
I think I'll miss home-cooked food a lot when I go back. Haiyo.. still 2 hours more only at home.
I now have 12 coconut balls cookies waiting for me inside the oven. Geez... but I don't have high hope for it as I simply made up the recipe after I found that I don't have enough ingrediants - I would really be glad if they turn out to be edible at all. haha.
My close friend says I'm a very chin cai person. hehe.. yeah, I'm always agak-agak, put ingrediants very lazy to measure la... simply add things according to suka-hati... not following exactly the recipe la.. hehe. I'm ok with it, coz following rules will kill all the fun.
We'll see how things turn out this time. ;-)
Posted by June at 2:49 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
awareness and acceptance
Earlier on I came across this quote that kinda sticks to my mind, and I started applying it in my daily life.
It says 'the first step to change is awareness'.
So, I started paying attention to my line of thoughts, my actions, my words, my body language, my reactions, as well as looking at how people response to me, both verbally and non-verbally. I even went on to stay quiet in a group conversation and observing my friends talking. And then when I'm alone, back in my room, I tend to run things over and I started to see things which are not so apparent from the surface.
It's not exactly fun. It was 'painful' sometimes, because I discovered many things about myself, and others, but mainly myself. I become aware of the many hidden intentions and insufficiency and insecurities that I have in myself. I know I'm judging myself. And I know I shouldn't judge others, more so myself. I feel sad, and sometimes get angry over myself. I longed for change. I even wanted to change myself overnight, once I see my 'ugly' side.
But later on, I learned that there's a second line that follows the first quote. It says, the second step is to accept.
It didn't quite stick me for the first time I read the second line. But somehow it sticks to my mind and I carried it on for a few days until just now, I came across this website about the psychology of sexuality and love. It's a long read. And not an easy one because of the many psychological terms.
The essence of it is that it puts a very clear picture on true love and common love. There's no right and wrong here. It's just different needs and perspective. But somehow, the summary is so beautifully crafted that it sort of answers my heart. ;-)
True healing involves two things: (a) to see clearly what is wrong and (b) to have the compassion to call it to change. This means, first of all, that unconditional acceptance of anything gets you nowhere. If you take no responsibility for the world around you, and if you’re unwilling to call error for what it is—that is, if you’re always missing the point—then you contribute nothing of any healing value to the world. And that’s not love. On the other hand, if you treat error with hatred, condemning it to hell, the bitter poison in your own heart will end up condemning you to hell. And that’s not love either.
And so it is with your own mental health. First you have to recognize your life for what it is, being honest about your emotional pain and all the mistakes and errors you’ve committed trying to hide from your despair. And then you have to listen to that despair with compassion and let it tell its whole story, so that the very core of your heart will be transformed—rather than push your despair into some dark corner of your unconscious to be seduced with . . . perversion.
I really enriched myself spiritually through the article. It explains a lot of things that confused me - you've to read it for yourself. I make a promise to myself to be more compassionate and gentle to myself the next time I find me judging myself. Well, it's certainly not an answer to end, I'm still on my quest finding the answer, as well as my spiritual partner. ;-)
ps: Is this post somehow confusing? Never mind, you don't have to understand me, you just have to live with me! ;-) hehe. I'm really not too hard to live with after all- you know that right? *wink*
Posted by June at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Rosti rosti I love you! :)
Wow... I didn't know I was this good! heheh. Sorry la, bear with me while I indulge in my own world of pride can ah... ;-)
Remember the failed first rosti? Well, I attempted for the second time, after we bought a new grater.
This time the grater's hole is bigger. So, the potato slices that come out of it are bigger and won't stick together like a mashed potatoes. haha.
Same method. But, I have whipped up my own white mushroom cream sauce last minute. It certainly upgrades my plain old rosti from A to A +++. hehe.
Nice nice nice. I absolutely love it. If you can find it, look back at my previous post on the rosti taken at Marche and compare - whose looks nicer? *wink* *wink* hehe.
And here's a picture of my sister's coconut tart she did yesterday before rushing to KL to see her idol penguin. hahahah. Oh and thanks for the evaporated milk she left over - just nice the amount to prepare the white sauce. Oh yummy yummy.
Now she has some coconut shred that she left over in the fridge, waiting for me to use it up. What can I do with it ah? Headache pulak!
ps: I really don't mind eating like there's no tomorrow at home, because I know that when I'm back in hostel, I'll get slim very fast, thanks to the hostel food, which always leave me hungry an hour after eating it. hehehe.
Posted by June at 12:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Yeah I'm part of the Guinness World Record! ;-)
I'm a BIG fan of Firefox if you don't know yet. I promote firefox everywhere I see fit. ;-) The main factor is safety, and I really like how they're designed by people who actually use brain. Very intuitive interfere. Never had any major issues with it and it's extremely stable.
And today, Firefox is trying to set a Guinness World Record - most software downloaded in 24 hours! For today, 18th June, until 2.15am (M'sia time), you can still download and be part of the success.
They're targetting 5 milions downloads. And till this time of writing, they already had 6,085,765 downloads.
You can also see the breakdown of each region. M'sia is 22k while S'pore is 20k. How?? Migrate or not? ;-)
Posted by June at 7:43 PM 0 comments
What's happening to me in ortho posting?
I really don't want to think that I'm burning out... but each time I come back I feel like a dead person, just want to hang my legs up and rest my eyes. I said rest my eyes, not my brain, because with the many new physical examination to be learned, I wasn't able to sleep very soundly in the day. I've got no more energy left for things I used to enjoy. I don't have energy for yoga anymore. I don't even feel like standing in the bathroom bathing for so long because of tired legs from standing in the clinic whole afternoon. This is really bad. I don't want to further strain myself. So I think I need to restore some sanity this weekend by going back home. Recharge recharge.
Posted by June at 5:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Too heavenly good!!!
I can't keep my hands off my arms!!! It sinks in completely and leaves a smooth surface to touch. And don't even mention about the heavenly good smell - it makes me feel like I'm on holidays now - I can't study now!
As you can see, I rarely blog about my skin care stuff but I can't help but rave about this one.
This Green Tea body whip - I got it at 25% discount as part of the birthday month discount. It's one of their best sellers and I don't see why it's not.
It comes in a jar - and this makes it a good decoration sitting there on my table.
It's earned a seal of recommendation from me - for its many feel-good factors and effectiveness. ;-)
Posted by June at 10:19 PM 1 comments
Happy Daddy's Day! ;-)
光良曾在演唱会上唱这首歌而感动掉泪。 我明白及可深深体会这种东方人的含蓄的尴尬处境. 想说爱你又说不出口,只好take comfort in knowing that by living your own life happily and healthily itself is a gift to every parents.
Posted by June at 1:14 PM 0 comments
For my own reference
Knee anatomy tour
Special tests:
Anterior cruciate ligament
1. Anterior drawer's test
2. Pivot shift test - extended, valgus, internal rotate and FLEX in for pop
3. Lachmann's test
Posterior cruciate ligament
Posterior drawer's test
Medial collateral ligament - Valgus stress test
How to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Ke0bmsJXE&feature=related
Positive test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fxKCDkOiJs&NR=1
Lateral collateral ligament - Varus stress test
How to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZm5VEHKMPQ&NR=1
Positive test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsvfjkAMvpo&NR=1
Meniscus - McMurray's test
Medical meniscus - full flex, external foot, valgus knee
Lateral meniscus - full flex, internal foot, varus knee
Posted by June at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Scary dreams
I hate this! Stupid scary dream!!!
It's always been this way whenever I'm stressed-up... aih... Have to find ways to relax.
Posted by June at 9:46 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Believe me when I say...
Everything is happening perfectly, in its own time, in its own way.
Just let go and enjoy in the moment! ;-)
Whatever happens, happens for a good reason.
Posted by June at 9:21 PM 0 comments
The story of undercooked chicken...
Sun sets quite late yesterday evening. And I was sitting at a table where the setting sun light could reach. While I was happily eagerly poking my fork through my chicken's drumstick, I noticed some yucky reddish flesh near the bone there... It looks undercooked to me.
So I was thinking it's my right to refuse an undercooked chicken and get a replacement - so there I went to the nice makcik at the canteen and showed it to her. Uh oh, while I was there, I noticed the chicken flesh wasn't as red as how I saw it on the dining table. It looked cooked to me at that moment, like normal chicken drumstick. What happened next isn't important, but what got me thinking was... how we see things in different light.
I mean, the color remains the same, it doesn't change. But what changed the color was the light imposed on it, therefore making it looks cooked or uncooked.
Same with what we're experiencing each day. The matter/fact remains the same. But what changed the situation is how we see it, and what kind of emotion we're associating it with, therefore making it a good/bad experience.
We all want happiness. And I think this is the key to happiness, where the little heart inside you decides to be happy from within, and therefore able to see things in the best light possible.
Likewise, a good experience can be made better if we can project a more positive emotion towards it. When we're happy from inside, things outside don't matter that much, because you'll see things positively and you know it's going to be a good experience. ;-)
And to feel good from inside, we've to find out what makes us happy. For me, doing little dancing, getting in touch with my own body helps me feel lifted. I didn't know this until today, while in ortho class with Prof Sengupta, we were talking about back pain and back examination. We started doing the back flexion and extension ourselves. Once I started doing it I can't stop! I started to twist here and there, trying to loosen up every joint in my body like what I used to do before ballet class last time. And then I went on to do a bit of foot pointing, trying to get into developpe, and even rise up and down. And I found for the rest of the class, I could concentrate better and think faster. And I felt smarter too. haha. ;-)
I'm glad I found my own happy trick. Have you found yours? ;-)
Posted by June at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
好忙好忙。。。6 clinics to attend for 2 times each, countless lectures and ward rounds, rehab medicine classes, radio classes, somemore minor and major operation theatres. But I'm not complaining - orthopedics surgeons are a friendly lot - they really like to teach I think. :) But sometimes jamming too much into our head on a stuffy and sleepy afternoon is not a good idea also. Hehe.
百忙之中,so glad and thankful to my two good friends who happened to go out and brought back a nice dinner for me. After being so busy and packed over studies, finally there a little bit of time for me to 偷闲享乐. 吃东西很快乐,不是吗?;-) Somemore got one cup of sweet soya bean, to sweeten my very bitter and sad mind after attending KS Lim advanced neuro class (to me).
Posted by June at 5:21 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
On being grateful
When things are not turning out right,
when things are not happening the way we want,
when things are just going crazy and turn sour,
at least,
have a heart of gratitude.
be thankful that you're still alive,
for many people living on the edge of life
not knowing whether they'll wake up the next morning
be thankful that you still have a healthy body,
for many are suffering with pain and
struggling with end-stage diseases
be thankful that you still have a roof over your top,
for many are rendered homeless due to disasters
be thankful that you still have food to fill your stomach,
for many are living in hunger and poverty
and lastly, be thankful that you still have the wisdom of
gratitude, for this is the key to more abundance.
only through appreciation and thankfulness
that you're going to send out energy to the
universe that you like what you're getting
and eventually more will come your way.
This is how I, and in fact everyone of us, consciously or not,
manifested what we're today.
I'm forever grateful that I learned this early on, and this
has helped me manifested a lot of goodness in life. :)
May all beings be well and happy. ;-)
Posted by June at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Back to school :(
It seems to me that now I'm having one of those 'back-to-school' blues that I recall I last had during my secondary or even primary school. You know, the 'unfamiliar' and unpleasant feeling of returning to school after a looooooong year-end break.
Well, this time's holiday is just a short one week, however, I must admit that it's like something I have never experienced before in the recent past few years. I realized that unlike previous holidays, this time I totally stayed at home, practically refraining from books and just enjoying my holidays away. I felt a great sense of relaxation and relieve. I couldn't ask for more. ;-)
Now, I miss home so much - I want hot water bath and home cook food!! :(
Posted by June at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
不过物价上涨,苦的还是我们普罗大众,但是我想,人是有应变能力的,穷则变,变则通。 :) 我想我还是去卖脚车好了,说不定有一天脚车会大卖。hehe.
Posted by June at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Housemanship expectation questionnaire
I'm not sure whether it has always been this way (got to ask seniors), however, I was pretty surprised to receive this questionnaire in the mail today, in a Seri Paduka Baginda letter. Inside, the questions asked were pretty straight to the point, very relevant and definitely show that effort are being put in to craft the questions.
One question that sticks out in my mind was "I had thought of quitting my medical education due to the stress of the course" - we were asked to rate 'never, sometimes, always'.
Well, stress if definitely there, especially when it's near exams, even more so with important clinical exams. However, quitting does require a great deal of courage. Most of the time, whenever exams are near, I find myself and those around me complaining to each other, entertaining the idea of just throwing in the towel and leave for good. hehe.. But, of course, I said 'entertain' the idea only ma.. After exams we'll be back to our happy selves. And when it's exam time again, the whole cycle repeats itself. That's life I guess. ;-)
Also, the last question was greatest fear on becoming a houseman - hmm.. of course, fear, uncertainty, everything. Sometimes I really doubt my ability to go through it - it seems really really hard and draining, especially the long working hours and work load. Haih... how ah... maybe I should stop being lazy and get more stuff into my brain while I'm still a student.
Time to work hard, dear me. ;-)
Posted by June at 9:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
原来是这样的... The story of Rosti
Rosti... a young guy married to Rose, therefore called Rosti. haha. of course not la!
Rosti, is actually a potato dish originated from Switzerland. When one mentions about Switzerland, we usually think about cheese, if not skiing (ok, this is not food), so what about wine? But, very rarely people associate Switzerland with potatoes.
But the fact is, rosti is a national dish of Switzerland. What they do is, they pluck their potatoes from under the ground from their garden - fresh ingrediants are usually the best. Then they wash and boil a bit the potatoes, peel off skin and grate the potatoes into thin slices. Then they heat the pan, melt the butter and just fill the pan with the potatoes and let the bottom turn golden brown (about 5 minutes) and flip them over (by turning it over on a plate and slide it again back to the pan) and let the other side turn golden brown and that's it!
Sounds easy right? So I thought. And there I went into the kitchen, trying to whip up my own Rosti. Blame the utensil - the grater is too small the hole, I actually ended up with something like a fried mashed potatoes. Really sad.. very frustrated also because the kitchen got lots of mosquitoes flying around and very hot. The taste, however, remains great - who doesn't like french fries?? (PS: 本来做了放在一旁不懂要怎样处理,但是爸爸拿起来, 尝了一口立刻说'好吃啊!'就帮我统统吃下。hehe. 好感动)
But later I found this picture in Wiki , which pretty much resembles my Rosti. hehe.. Hmm... Looks like I can 安慰 myself that I'm pretty much on the right track, just that the Rosti I tried in Marche was much much more presentable.I actually got to know about this dish after visiting Marche restaurant in The Curve. Marche is actually a
German French word for market. What's special about this restaurant is they give you a 'passport' (essentially a card) to collect chops for the dishes you ordered and in the end you settle the 'passport' at the cashier before you leave. Misplacing the 'passport' entails a fine of RM200 - donated to your charity of choice. Cunning huh.
We had a great time there (time with sisters are always the best!) - the atmosphere was very warm and lively - just like a pasar. The tables and chairs are of different themes - next time gonna sit on the chair with a 'fruit face' hehe.
Posted by June at 6:32 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Deng deng deng deng! 出炉了!
Hehe... 第一次做muffin还真满意, 至少muffin有发,因为之前姐姐做的都不开口,不象muffin,而且还硬得可以拿来丢狗. haha.. 在节食中的妹妹连吃了四个, 说晚餐不用吃了。好高兴! 做的人就因此而满足,容易吧!
从oven拿出来时感觉到一股热气飘出来,还差点烫到手!不过有一点很好是我过后把热气当steam face那样,可以直接去洗脸做mask了。 hehe.Ok,放迈我的午餐,nothing fanciful, just a very tomato-ish spaghetti loaded with lots of anti-oxidants and vitamins. I put a lot of onions, as I like the irresistable fragrance that comes out when I fry it. Then I added in my long-lost friend capsicum - it serves to add a little hint of spicy flavor. My housemates used to frown on me whenever I cook with capsicum (which is often) coz many don't like it. hehe. And of course the brocolli, very sweet on its own even. In the end, a really satisfying lunch. :)
Posted by June at 5:39 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
我的电话!!! :(
好伤心!!!我心爱的手机竟然坏了! 它抛弃我了。。。我很喜欢它因为它真的很特别,小小的,一个手掌刚刚好握完,很多看过它的人都很惊叹说它这么那么小。 :)而且它是独一无二,哈哈,至少我没看过别人有跟我一样的电话。我就是那么喜欢跟别人有不一样的东西。 还有就是它的来源是有个典故的。hehe!
唉。。。讲回来还是很烦。。要repair LCD不便宜,而且LG's parts很难找。觉得买新的比较划。可是又不舍得花钱。比起以前有收入的时候,我现在花钱比较会心痛,觉得钱能省则省, 要花也要花得值得。看来我又要 go into research mode and find a 经济又实用的电话。
这几天都像盲人那样,screen 都被 zig zag 的线条遮着了,只能凭记忆去按,so that 我可以打回给sms 我的人. 我还真不错嘛! ;-)
真希望天会掉下一个手机给我,so that I don't have to choose and make a decision...
Posted by June at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
哇!!口水直流了吧? 哈!我也是。。。迫不及待要回家试做。让自己在这轻松悠闲假期有个小挑战,看看可不可以做出像她一样的dish. :) 献丑了!如果不成功的话不放上来了。哈哈!
I took these from a forum in Chinese Cari.com.my called 快乐厨房 一位叫 Mikiko 的幸福女人所开的贴。 好羡慕。。。可以每天在家专心做菜给爱人吃,还可以花心思把菜都打扮得美美, 不用工作。我也要!!!hehe.
Posted by June at 7:52 AM 3 comments