Sunday, June 29, 2008

This day 4 years ago...

...I was still a fresh new alien to the 6th college. I remembered walking along the corridor towards the dining hall and felt weird of the structure of the stairs coz they really looked like remnants of war-fare and wondered how am I going to survive for the rest of my 5 years here.. haha.. I remembered bringing the pail and everything and actually wondered what I need the pail for - don't they have washing machine or some sort?? haha.

And then... there were also memories of being orientated. Blur is the only word I can use to describe myself.. Really unsure of what's happening around, just following friends and instructions.

When asked to do task, I blurted out 'dancing!' out of my mind without thinking. Was I surprised at myself, after two years of stopping ballet, I just danced out of nothing. And I was like 'gosh I could still do arabesque!' It feels kinda good and I'm actually loving the moments I'm on my feet doing some stun. haha. And there I went on to tipu a lot of signatures. heheh.

Now, it's time to 'treat the freshies really good'... hehehehe. I can't wait! ;-)


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