Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Deng deng deng deng! 出炉了!

Hehe... 第一次做muffin还真满意, 至少muffin有发,因为之前姐姐做的都不开口,不象muffin,而且还硬得可以拿来丢狗. haha.. 在节食中的妹妹连吃了四个, 说晚餐不用吃了。好高兴! 做的人就因此而满足,容易吧!

从oven拿出来时感觉到一股热气飘出来,还差点烫到手!不过有一点很好是我过后把热气当steam face那样,可以直接去洗脸做mask了。 hehe.

Ok,放迈我的午餐,nothing fanciful, just a very tomato-ish spaghetti loaded with lots of anti-oxidants and vitamins. I put a lot of onions, as I like the irresistable fragrance that comes out when I fry it. Then I added in my long-lost friend capsicum - it serves to add a little hint of spicy flavor. My housemates used to frown on me whenever I cook with capsicum (which is often) coz many don't like it. hehe. And of course the brocolli, very sweet on its own even. In the end, a really satisfying lunch. :)


Min said...


June said...

Ok, I wait for your second (or is it third or fourth) try... hehe. At least my muffins are happy.

sanmin said...

i want! :P

June said...

Ok Ok, I also want your cheesecake! ;-) When can I meet you? :(

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