Friday, June 13, 2008

The story of undercooked chicken...

Sun sets quite late yesterday evening. And I was sitting at a table where the setting sun light could reach. While I was happily eagerly poking my fork through my chicken's drumstick, I noticed some yucky reddish flesh near the bone there... It looks undercooked to me.

So I was thinking it's my right to refuse an undercooked chicken and get a replacement - so there I went to the nice makcik at the canteen and showed it to her. Uh oh, while I was there, I noticed the chicken flesh wasn't as red as how I saw it on the dining table. It looked cooked to me at that moment, like normal chicken drumstick. What happened next isn't important, but what got me thinking was... how we see things in different light.

I mean, the color remains the same, it doesn't change. But what changed the color was the light imposed on it, therefore making it looks cooked or uncooked.

Same with what we're experiencing each day. The matter/fact remains the same. But what changed the situation is how we see it, and what kind of emotion we're associating it with, therefore making it a good/bad experience.

We all want happiness. And I think this is the key to happiness, where the little heart inside you decides to be happy from within, and therefore able to see things in the best light possible.

Likewise, a good experience can be made better if we can project a more positive emotion towards it. When we're happy from inside, things outside don't matter that much, because you'll see things positively and you know it's going to be a good experience. ;-)

And to feel good from inside, we've to find out what makes us happy. For me, doing little dancing, getting in touch with my own body helps me feel lifted. I didn't know this until today, while in ortho class with Prof Sengupta, we were talking about back pain and back examination. We started doing the back flexion and extension ourselves. Once I started doing it I can't stop! I started to twist here and there, trying to loosen up every joint in my body like what I used to do before ballet class last time. And then I went on to do a bit of foot pointing, trying to get into developpe, and even rise up and down. And I found for the rest of the class, I could concentrate better and think faster. And I felt smarter too. haha. ;-)

I'm glad I found my own happy trick. Have you found yours? ;-)


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